By Ali wafa Abu Sulthon
Praised be to Allah that guides all the moslems by giving the glorious month
which is never neglected in expecting the mercy of Allah
How do we receive the blessed month of Ramadan? Allah the Almighty says, "You who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may attain piety" [Qur'an 2:183]. My esteemed brother and sister: Allah has distinguished Ramadan from other months with many merits and virtues which include: *The bad breath from the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah than the fragrance of musk. *The angels ask forgiveness for those fasting until they break their fast. *Allah beautifies His Paradise each day and says, "My righteous servants are about to be spared suffering and harm, then they will be sent to you." *The devils are chained during the month. *The doors of Paradise are opened while those of Hell are locked. *The night, Laylat al-Qadr, which is better than a thousand months occurs in this month. Whoever is deprived of the good of this night has indeed been deprived of goodness altogether. *Those fasting receive forgiveness on the last night of Ramadan. *Allah saves people from Hellfire during each night of Ramadan. My esteemed brother and sister: How then do we receive the month containing these merits and virtues? Is it by occupying ourselves with playfulness and spending our nights with non-beneficial things? Or do we feel burdened and panic at its arrival? We seek refuge with Allah from such attitudes. The righteous servants of Allah welcome it with repentance and true determination to reap its benefits and fully utilize its precious time. They ask Allah to help them perform their acts of worship in the best manner.
It is reported that on the first night of Ramadân, ‘Umar – Allâh be pleased with him – would pray Maghrib, then say (to the people):
Sit down. Then he would give a small address: Verily the fasting of this month has been made a duty upon you, and standing in night prayer has not been made a duty upon you, but those amongst you who can stand in prayer should do so, for it is from the extra good deeds about which Allâh told us: so whoever cannot stand in prayer, let him sleep on his bed.
And beware of saying: I will fast if so and so fasts and I will stand in night prayer if so and so stands in prayer. Whoever fasts or stands in night prayer, he must make this for Allâh. And you should know that you are in prayer as long as you are waiting for a prayer.
Minimize any vain or false speech in the houses of Allâh (mosques; he said this two or three times). Let none of you fast a few days before the month (in order to avoid missing the beginning of the month; he said this three times). And do not fast until you see [the crescent of the new month] unless it is overcast. If it is overcast, count [the previous month] as 30 days. Then do not break your fasts until you see the night upon the mountain (i.e. you are sure the sun has set).
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