When we pay attentions for all disaster that happen in Indonesia such as Merapi mount's eruptions that kill 30 people and Mentawaians affected by the violent earthquake that occurred under the sea near northern Indonesia on 26 th October 2010, sending huge waves crashing into coastal island of Mentawai.
The catastrophe has touched the hearts of humanity with people from all round the world trying to assist financially. However, the Tsunami disaster has led many people to ask ?Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?? The faith of those who believe in God has been brought into question. In this short address Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq explains the tragedy from an Islamic perspective. He raises the point that although others may question our faith, Muslims should not put their faith into question. He further explains how the limited human mind cannot completely understand the decree of Allah. Furthermore, such disasters are not freak occurrences but a test from Allah, afflicting everyone, good and bad.
The earthquake that caused the Tsunami in Mentawai island, was the most powerful to hit the earth in 40 years.
The death toll from the devastating tsunamis in Mentawai has reached around 428, and hundreds of people are at risk, with little water, food or shelter. The WHO also reported that diseases could double the natural disaster?s death count before the situation can be stabilized. "Unless the necessary funds are urgently mobilized and coordinated in the field, we could see as many fatalities from diseases as we have seen from the actual disaster itself,"
"By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allâh's Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allâh's Cause) of that which you love; and whatever of good you spend, Allâh knows it well". (Âl-'Imrân: 92)
"Say (O Muhammad SAW) to 'Ibâdî (My slaves) who have believed, that they should perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and spend in charity out of the sustenance We have given them, secretly and openly, before the coming of a Day on which there will be neither mutual bargaining nor befriending". (Ibrahîm: 31)
Narrated By Adi Hatim: Heard the Prophet (upon whom be peace) saying: "Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving half a date fruit in Charity". (Bukhari: 498)
Narrated By Haritha Wahab: I heard the Prophet (upon whom be peace) saying: "O people! Give in Charity as a time will come upon you when a person will wander about with his object of charity and will not find anybody to accept it, and one (who will be requested to take it) will say, "If you had brought it yesterday, would have taken it, but to-day I am not in need of it." (Bukhari: 492)
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Seven people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His. They are:
(1) A just ruler;
(2) A young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, (i.e. worship Allah (Alone) sincerely from his childhood),
(3) A man whose heart is attached to the mosque (who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque);
(4) Two persons who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause only;
(5) A man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah;
(6) A person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity).
(7) A person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears." (Bukhari: 504)
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